HEELS Choreography Classes

This is an hour class where the instructor will prepare and choreograph a heels routine that she will teach u step by step.
Main focus being on the dancing side of pole and not tricks so everyone can take part.

Any questions email us or contact Heidi Hildersley on Facebook or Instagram x


It’s a heels class so preferably wear heels, if you really don’t want to and just want to dance in bare feet, that’s totally up to you.
Wear comfortable clothes/gym wear, preferably shorts if possible, or trousers that can be rolled up if needed for legs gripping the pole.
Bring knee pads if you need them.

Bring Water to keep hydrated – available to buy at the studio if u forget.

⭐️If you are showing symptoms of covid or have been around anyone who has been tested positive for covid, please reschedule or cancel your session. (24 hours required)